Quick Info on using CDF from Home or your LaptopIf you've learned how to do this from other courses this may seem redundant, but it was a bit of a roadblock for me. There seems to be not enough information on how to do this, or it isn't all in one place.
the NX client program makes it like you're at CDF, but at home. This is extremely useful, if you're like me and work on things at odd hours. In order for you to be able to use cdf at home you need to log into CDF at one of the labs at school.
1) Get you cdf user name from here:
2) login and change password at CDF terminal computer at one the CDF labs, use student card to open the door. (If you have already done this once, then you can skip this step.)
3) Download and install Client program to logon to CDF (Creates a virtual desktop) on your home computer/laptop
the configuration steps for NX are here, (including download links)
https://www.cdf.toronto.edu/nx/nx.phpInitial Setup
I did have a problem with the initial setup, however. I received this error message
> NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 4068
> NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
> NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
> NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options
> ssh: connect to host nxserv.cdf.toronto.edu port 22: Connection timed
> out
in step 3c, I typed
nxserv.cdf.toronto.edu, instead of the required
nxsrv.cdf.toronto.eduonce I changed this it worked fine. The online instructions in step 3c say that it should be nxsrv1.cdf.toronto.edu, which I found out later to be incorrect. (The Q/A board listed below had a post to similar effect.) Unfortunately when I edited the line to remove the 1, I added an extra 'e.' Anyway fresh eyes from one of the CDF admin, that replied by email, caught my mistake and saved many hours of frustration.
Sometimes you just can't see your own mistakes, and not for lack of trying.
Other Useful CDF Links
Student CDF web login
https://www.cdf.toronto.edu/main.phpStudent's Guide to CDF
http://www.cdf.toronto.edu/welcome/cdf.html#helpQ/A Board
https://csc.cdf.toronto.edu/bb/YaBB.pl?board=contact_cdfor more generally,
https://csc.cdf.toronto.edu/bb/YaBB.plEmail Address for unresolved help (cdf admin)